Since it is easy to spot ear deformity even at birth, it is possible to treat children and adults. Otoplasty is also known as ear contouring or ear pinning. Top plastic surgeon in Beirut, Dr. Elie Abdelhak, performs ear surgery to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. Please call to schedule your complimentary consultation.
The Day of Your Surgery
After discussing your desires and goals with Dr. Elie, he will define a surgical plan that will achieve your desire improvement. The technique that he will use is centered around recreating a normal cartilage fold in the ear. To create a normal fold, parallel cuts are made in the cartilage and several permanent sutures are placed to contain that fold. Then the ear is pinned back. Dr. Elie utilizes local anesthetics so you will not need to stay overnight at the hospital.
Recovery Time After Ear Pinning
After the surgery the improvement is readily apparent. Swelling and bruises are normal but they disappear within a week. One week later patient return to full activities, it is necessary to protect the ear and follow Dr. Elie’s instructions. The sutures are well hidden behind the ears and are removed one week after the surgery.
Am I a Candidate for Otoplasty
While your ear deformity may not be a health concern, it can give your ears a shape that you dislike.
- Having congenital ear deformities.
- Having been disfigured by injury, previous surgery, or skin cancer.
- Considering plastic surgery when the ears are too prominent.
How long will the results last?
Otoplasty is a permanent surgery. You will immediately notice the result and may also take six months to see the final results.
-What to expect from the surgery?
- Prominent ears can be reset to a more natural position.
- Self-esteem and confidence can be enhanced.
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